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Europe’s Trailblazing Artificial Intelligence Act

Written by Brad Bussie | Mar 20, 2024 11:15:00 AM

The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands on the brink of a new regulatory era. Europe has introduced a pioneering legislative framework that promises to redefine the governance of AI technologies. In the insightful dialogue from episode 12 of the State of Enterprise IT Security Edition, Brad Bussie, Chief Information Security Officer at e360, navigates the intricacies of this landmark act.

Brad elucidates, "So lawmakers in the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Artificial Intelligence Act," signaling the European commitment to stringent AI oversight. The act, which has been in the pipeline for some time, represents a significant milestone: "That's five years after regulations were first proposed," Brad notes, underscoring the deliberative process that has culminated in this momentous development.

Akin to previous discussions on the topic, Brad remarks on the comprehensive nature of the act: "The AI act is expected to act as a global signpost for other governments grappling with how to regulate the fast-developing technology." The implications of Europe’s move extend far beyond its borders, hinting at a potential cascade effect in global AI policy-making.

The act takes a measured approach, distinguishing between different applications of AI. Brad lays out the legislative landscape, saying, "They're seeing high-risk uses of AI in things like medical devices or critical infrastructure, those are going to face tougher requirements." He also points out the bold stance on certain uses of AI: "Some AI uses are going to be banned completely because they're deemed to pose an unacceptable risk."

Brad goes deeper into the legislative intent, highlighting the act's preventative measures against potentially invasive technologies: "Other banned uses would include things like police scanning faces in public using things like AI, remote powered biometric identification systems." The act’s stringent criteria for acceptable AI uses point to a future where technological innovation aligns closely with ethical standards.

Furthermore, Brad addresses the potential for these regulations to set a global standard, akin to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): "So I'm looking at this as kind of like the GDPR. It's going to go into effect and be enforced in the EU starting in May or June of 2024." This anticipation is set against a backdrop of international movements towards a more regulated AI environment: "Biden proposed an executive order back in October. China, they've proposed a global AI governance initiative."

Brad’s insights provide a compelling overview of the European AI Act's potential to serve as a benchmark for AI governance worldwide. As the EU lays the groundwork for responsible AI deployment, the global community watches and often mirrors these initiatives, shaping a more regulated, ethical, and secure AI future.

Episode twelve of the "State of Enterprise IT Security" podcast is available now. For more insights into how technology shapes our world, stay tuned to our blog for the latest in enterprise IT security and beyond.